positive cash flow

英 [ˈpɒzətɪv kæʃ fləʊ] 美 [ˈpɑːzətɪv kæʃ floʊ]




  1. The bottom line of a company is determined by constant positive cash flow created by successfully carrying out client engagements.
  2. Sometimes it is also standard practice for the consulting company to collect an up-front payment upon contract signing just to assure positive cash flow.
  3. So increased advertising, and perhaps ways to allow users to shop through the site, should enable Facebook to move from positive cash flow to making profits.
  4. General Motors yesterday warned that its turnround was far from complete, despite reporting a sizeable profit and positive cash flow in the fourth quarter.
  5. I was particularly interested in finding out what they plan to do with the extra money, since they have never been shy about the positive cash flow generated by their hosting business.
  6. Companies, starved of capital and suffering an unprecedented collapse in sales, slashed jobs and halted production to restore positive cash flow.
  7. But the auto maker hasn't been able to generate positive cash flow in recent years and some analysts doubt it will be able to in the next year or two.
  8. Positive analysis shows that net operating cash flow per share, the capital structure, asset fluidity are irrelated to cash dividend per share.
  9. He said the current farm bill works well for most producers, and noted that if a farmer did not have a positive cash flow under this farm bill, he hasn't been managing his operation properly.
  10. We find that the probability of tunneling is negative correlative with the cash flow rights of the controlling family and positive correlative with the separation of cash flow and voting rights.
  11. Nobody at GM is declaring victory, Rick Wagoner, chief executive, said. There is still a lot more work to do to achieve our goals of steady growth, solid profitability and positive cash flow generation.
  12. The results show that the abnormal return to total assets and the abnormal ratio of profits become significantly positive following the mergers, which indicate that the cash flow performance and management efficiency have been improved.
  13. Surprisingly, firm size appears to have negative impact on the immediate post-offering performance while in the long-term it appears to have positive impact for issuers, which provides support for the theory of firm growth and partial support for the free cash flow hypothesis.
  14. Generally speaking, however, related M& A have positive effect on corporate cash flow capacity, liquidity, development capacity and operating ability.
  15. Its theory is if the enterprise has financing constraints, its cash flow sensitivity of cash holdings is positive, if the company has not financing constraints, the cash holdings sensitivity has nothing to do with cash flow.
  16. The empirical results show that: foreign exchange risk exposure has positive correlation with export ratio, quick ratio, net cash flow of operating activities, and negative correlation with total market value, net profit margin.
  17. While, Ferguson and Taylor ( 2007) oppugn the positive correlation between free cash flow and audit costs.
  18. Next to analyze to cash flow financial early-warning reason of positive research, choice method and financial early-warning index of cash flow to probe into real example sample screen the route.
  19. Positive cash flow can promote the healthy growth of enterprises. Negative cash flow causes the enterprise to be in danger, or even bankruptcy.
  20. They have not found any evidence of the positive correlation between them and also have not discovered that the debt does ease the issue of free cash flow.
  21. By the analysis of free cash flow impact factors, I found there is a significant positive correlation between free cash flow and net profit growth rate, investment growth rate.
  22. Secondly, there was a significant positive correlation between managerial overconfidence and the innovation investment, especially companies with high cash flow.
  23. Debt financing rate on the free cash flow has significant positive effect, but the short-term debt to free cash flow has a strong inhibitory effect, and long-term liabilities, there contribute to the effect of the amount of free cash.
  24. After meeting all positive net present value projects, surplus cash flow should be paid to shareholders through various ways.
  25. Gulf ( 1998) and Tsui ( 2001) has also verified Debt Control Hypothesis proposed by Jensen; the empirical result also shows that the existence of the debt weakens the positive correlation between free cash flow and audit costs.
  26. The control right and the separation between control right and cash flow right present a notable positive correlation with related-party transaction, but the cash flow right presents an opposite correlation.